- This bouquet is rich in roses and alstroemeria in soft shades of pink and lavender -variegated pittosporum gives texture and greenery.
- Delivered in a golden mirrored cube vase to add a luxurious touch.
- Accented with variegated pittosporum, this beautiful arrangement includes light and medium pink roses, lavender roses and delicate pink alstroemeria.
- Delivered in a glowing golden glass cube vase she'll cherish forever.
- Accented with variegated pittosporum, this beautiful arrangement includes light and medium pink roses, lavender roses and delicate pink alstroemeria.
- Delivered in a glowing golden glass cube vase she'll cherish forever.
- Orientation: All-Around
Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this versatile cube features a distinctive gold "mirror" finish.
Standard - $59.99
Deluxe - $69.99
Premium - $79.99